

Massey News Releases

A game changer to boost literacy and math skills – Describes a new study in Frontiers in Psychology showing that a small change in current teaching could greatly improve literacy progress especially for disadvantaged children

New book demystifies dyslexia – Describes a new book co-authored by Nicholson on helping students with dyslexia

Rich-poor divide in literacy – Describes recent research showing that children from poorer schools quickly fall behind in literacy during the school year and over summer compared with children from more advantaged schools

Elected to International Reading Hall of Fame 2009

Appointment as Professor of Literacy Education in 2006.


Media reports and interviews

Why are NZ Children struggling to read?

– Newshub, December 6, 2017

Phonics helps kids to crack code

– NZ Herald, June 23, 2017

Zero to hero – why spelling still matters in the digital age

– NZ Herald, June 12, 2017

Study focuses on summer slide in literacy

  • Young people failing to build vocabulary in a sea of text messaging – Public Radio Live, 23 October, 2010

Radical steps needed to improve Maori literacy – Massey News, 8 August 2008