

Nicholson, T., & Dymock, S. (2023). New Zealand dyslexia handbook (2nd edition). NZCER Press

Dymock, S., & Nicholson, T. (2018). Writing for impact. Wellington: NZCER Press.

Nicholson, T., & Dymock, S. (2015). New Zealand dyslexia handbook. Wellington: NZCER Press.

McLachlan, C., Nicholson, T., Fielding Barnsley, R., Mercer, L., & Ohi, S. (2013) Literacy in early childhood and primary: Issues, challenges, solutions. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. 332 pp

Dymock, S. J., & Nicholson, T. (2012). Dyslexia decoded. What it is, what it isn’t, and what you can do about it. Wellington: Dunmore Press.

Dymock, S. J., & Nicholson, T. (2012). Teaching reading comprehension. The what, the how, the why. Wellington: NZCER Press, 212 pp

Nicholson, T., & Dymock, S.J. (2010). Teaching reading vocabulary. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research. 145 pp

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2007). Teaching text structures: A key to nonfiction reading success. New York: Scholastic, 240 pp.

Nicholson, T. (2006). Phonics handbook. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons. 416pp.

Nicholson, T. (2005). At the cutting edge: The importance of phonemic awareness in learning to read and spell (second ed.), Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 119 pp.

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2002). Teaching reading comprehension. Supplementary material: Transactional (teacher’s guide). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Council for Educational Research. 88pp.

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2001).Teaching reading comprehension. Supplementary material: Narrative (teacher’s guide). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Council for Educational Research. 88 pp.

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2002). Teaching reading comprehension. Supplementary material: Transactional (student worksheets). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Council for Educational Research. 49 pp.

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2001). Teaching reading comprehension. Supplementary material: Narrative (student worksheets). Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Council for Educational Research 49 pp.

Nicholson, T. (2000). Reading the writing on the wall. Debates, challenges and opportunities in the teaching of reading. Melbourne: Thomson, 347 pp.

Dymock, S. J., & Nicholson, T. (1999). Reading comprehension. What is it? How do you teach it? Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 86 pp.

Nicholson, T. (1999). At the cutting edge: Learning to read and spell for success (rev. ed.) Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 84 pp.

Thompson, G. B., & Nicholson, T. (Eds.) (1999). Learning to read: Beyond phonics and whole language.  New York: Teachers College Press and International Reading Association, 269pp.

Nicholson, T. (1997).  Solving reading problems across the curriculum (rev. ed.). Wellington, NZ/Melbourne, Australia: New Zealand and Australian Councils for Educational Research, 96 pp.

Nicholson, T. (1994). At the cutting edge: Recent research on learning to read and spell (1st edition). Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 50 pp.

Thompson, G.B., Tunmer, W.E., & Nicholson, T. (Eds.) (1993). Reading acquisition processes. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, 156 pp.

Nicholson, T. (1991). Overcoming the Matthew effect: Solving reading problems across the curriculum (1st ed.). Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 98 pp.

Nicholson, T. (1988). Reading and learning in the junior secondary school.  Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Education. 48 pp.

Nicholson, T. (1984).  The process of reading: An introduction to theory and practice in the teaching of reading. Sydney, Australia: Horwitz Grahame, 71pp.

Nicholson, T. (1982).  An anatomy of reading Sydney: Martin Educational, 119 pp.

 Journal articles

Nicholson, T., & Dymock, S. J. (2023, July-September). Teachers are our best resource to help students with dyslexia. Literacy Today, pp. 15-16.

Dymock S., & Nicholson T. (2022). Dyslexia seen through the eyes of teachers: An exploratory survey. Reading Research Quarterly, 58(2), 333-344.  doi:10.1002/rrq.490

Arrow A., Neville A., Denston, A., & Nicholson T. (2022). Investigating the number and type of literacy assessments and interventions in Aotearoa New Zealand primary schools Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 27(2), 185-199.

Nicholson T., & McIntosh S. (2020). An exploration of the relationship between phonological and phonics knowledge, and self-efficacy for teaching. Dyslexia 26 (3), 286-304.

Carvalho L., Nicholson T., Yeoman P., & Thibaut P. (2020). Space matters: Framing the New Zealand learning landscape. Learning Environments Research 23 (3), 307-329.

Jones E., Southwood H., Cook C., & Nicholson T. (2020). Insights into paediatric tube feeding dependence: A Speech-language pathology perspective International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 22 (3), 327-337.

Nicholson, T. & Tiru, S. (2019): Preventing a summer slide in reading – the effects of a summer school. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. To link to this article:

Seymour, J., Nicholson, T., & Edwards, T. (2018). “I have goals and plans to achieve them”. An online survey of the career perceptions of trainee and practising educational psychologists. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 47(1), 1-12.

Tiruchittampalam, S., Ross, A., Whitehouse, E., & Nicholson, T. (2018). Measuring the effectiveness of Writing Center consultations on L2 writers’ essay writing skills. Languages, 3(1), 1-13 – open access journal

Tiruchittampalam, S., Nicholson, T., Levin, J. R., & Ferron, J. M. (2018) The effects of preliteracy knowledge, schooling, and summer vacation on literacy acquisition, The Journal of Educational Research, 111:1, 28-42.

Cope, P. Y., Clendon, S., & Nicholson, T. (2017). The multiple mini-interview: A possible solution to problems associated with the interview processes for a selected entry Allied Health Program. Journal of Allied Health, 46 (4), 91-95.

Nicholson, T., & Dymock, S. (September, 2017). Zero to hero: Why phonics is so important for getting off to a good start at school, Swings and Roundabouts, pp. 18-19.

Nicholson, T. (December 2017). Zero to hero: Why we need phonics more than ever in the digital age. Nomanis, Issue 4, 35-36.

Nicholson, T. (2017) Editorial: New directions in research on reading and writing difficulties, Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 22(2), 71-73,

Blick, M., Nicholson, T., Chapman, J., & Berman, J. (2017). Does linguistic comprehension support the decoding skills of struggling readers? Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 22(2), 75-94.

Dymock, S., & Nicholson, T. (2017) To what extent does children’s spelling improve as a result of learning words with the look, say, cover, write, check, fix strategy compared with phonological spelling strategies? Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 22(2), 171-187.

Elben, J., & Nicholson, T. (2017) Does learning the alphabet in kindergarten give children a head start in the first year of school? A comparison of reading progress in two first grade classes in state and Montessori schools in Switzerland. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 22(2), 95-108.

Martin, A., & Nicholson, T. (2015). “My life is a rollercoaster”: A survey of homeless youth who attended an alternative high school. International Journal of School Disaffection, 11(2), 3-17.

Nicholson, T., & Tse, L. (2015). What are the criteria for a good intervention study? Response: “Unrecognized ambiguities in validity of intervention research: An example on explicit phonics and text-centered teaching”. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 508, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00508

Tse, L., & Nicholson, T. (2014) The effect of phonics-enhanced Big Book reading on the language and literacy skills of six-year-old pupils of different reading ability attending lower SES schools, Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 1222, pp. 1-20.

Nicholson, T. (Fall, 2011). Editor’s introduction, Beyond Reading Recovery: What works best? Perspectives on Language and Literacy, pp. 7-12

Nicholson, T., & Dymock, S. J. (Fall, 2011). Matthew effects and reading interventions. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, pp. 28-33.

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2010). ‘High Five!’ Strategies to enhance comprehension of expository text. The Reading Teacher, 64(3), 166-178.

Nicholson, T. (2008). Achieving equity for Maori children in reading by 2020. New Zealand Annual Review of Education, 18, 159-182.

Tunmer, W.E., Nicholson, T., Greaney, K., Prochnow, J.E., Chapman, J.W., & Arrow, A.W. (2008). PIRLS before swine: a critique of the National Literacy Strategy. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 43(2), 115-119.

Nicholson, T. (2007). “How many sounds in ox?” A survey of linguistic knowledge that teachers might need to teach reading and spelling effectively. Set 2, pp. 29-34.

Nicholson, T. (2005). Literacy for some. Delta: Policy and Practice in Education, 56, (2), 65-68

Milne, R.D., Nicholson, T., & Corballis, M.C. (2003). Lexical access and phonological decoding in adult dyslexic subtypes, Neuropsychology, 17, 362-368.

Gibbs, C. J., & Nicholson, T. (Winter, 1999). When you’ve heard it all before and still can’t read. Effective School Practices, 17, 80-86.

Nicholson, T. (1998). The flashcard strikes back. The Reading Teacher, 52, 188-192.

Fletcher-Flinn, C. M., White, C. Y., & Nicholson, T. (1998). Does Reading Recovery improve phonological skills? Queensland Journal of Educational Research, 14, 4-28.

Nicholson, T. & Lam, R. (1998). Whole-language teachers and phonics: Not “do they” but “how much is enough?” Set: Research Information for Teachers, 2 (article 6).

Nicholson, T. (1998). [Reviews of the books: Reasons for learning and Pragmatic development]. Issues in Education: Contributions from Educational Psychology.

Nicholson, T. (1997). Social class and reading achievement: Sociology meets psychology. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 32, 105-108.

Nicholson, T. (1997). From ABC to Ready to read. SET Special: Language and Literacy. (Article 2).

Tan, A., & Nicholson, T. (1997). Flashcards revisited: Training poor readers to read words faster improves their comprehension of text.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 89. 276

Nicholson, T. (1995). More news on rich and poor schools and the news is still not good. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 30, 227-228.

Nicholson, T., & Gallienne, G. (1995).  Struggletown versus Middletown: A comparison of reading achievement among pupils from different social classes. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 30, 15-24.

Castle, J.M., Riach, J., & Nicholson, T. (1994).  Getting off to a better start in reading and spelling: The effects of phonemic awareness instruction within a whole language program. Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 350-359.

Tan, A., Moore, D.W., Dixon, R.S., & Nicholson, T. (1994). Effects of training in rapid decoding on the reading comprehension of adult ESL learners. Journal of Behavioral Education, 4, 177-189.

Nicholson, T. (1992). Reading wars: A brief history and an update. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 39, 173-184.

Nicholson, T. (1992). [Review of Acquisition of reading in Dutch]. Language and Education, 6, 71-73.

Nicholson, T. (1991) Do children read words better in context or in lists? A classic study revisited. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 444-450.

Nicholson, T., Bailey, J., & McArthur, J. (1991). Context cues in reading: The gap between research and popular opinion. Journal of Reading, Writing and Learning Disabilities, 7, 33-42

Nicholson, T. (1989). Using the CIPP model to evaluate reading instruction. Journal of Reading, 32, 312-318.

Nicholson, T. (1989). Research revisited: A study of reading and learning in the secondary school classroom. Language and Education, 3, 1-11

Nicholson, T. (1989). Research note: A comment on Reading Recovery. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 24, 111-113.

Nicholson, T., Lillas, C., & Rzoska, M.A. (1988).  Have we been misled by miscues? The Reading Teacher, 42, 6-10.

Nicholson, T. (1988).  Using the CIPP model to improve reading and learning in the high school classroom. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 23, 87-99.

Nicholson, T. (1986). Reading is not a guessing game: The great debate revisited. Reading Psychology, 7, 197-210.

Nicholson, T. (1986). Reading without guesswork.  Set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, Article14.

Nicholson, T., & Hill, D. (1985). Good readers don’t guess: Taking another look at the issue of whether children read words better in context or in isolation. Reading Psychology, 6, 181-198.

Nicholson, T. (1984). Experts and novices: A study of reading in the high school classroom. Reading Research Quarterly, 19, 436-458

Nicholson, T. (1984). You get lost when you gotta watch the damn words: The slow progress reader in the junior high school. Topics in Learning and Learning Disabilities, 3, 16-30.

Nicholson, T. (1984).  The confusing world of high school reading. Australian Journal of Reading, 7, 115-124.

Nicholson, T. (1984). The confusing world of high school reading: How the teacher can see. Set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, Article 6.

Nicholson, T., & Imlach, R. (1981).  Where do their answers come from? A study of the inferences children make when answering questions about stories. Journal of Reading Behavior, 19, 436-451.

Nicholson, T. (1981).  Why we need to talk to parents about reading. The Reading Teacher, 34, 19-21.

Nicholson, T. (1980).  [Review of Reading appraisal guide]. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 15, 204-206.Nicholson, T. (1980). [Review of Reading and Teaching reading in secondary school content subjects]. Education, 29, 40-41.

Nicholson, T., Pearson, P.D., & Dykstra, R. (1979).  The effects of embedded anomalies and oral reading on children’s understanding of stories. Journal of Reading Behavior, 11, 339-354.

Nicholson, T., & Schachter, W. S. (1979).  Spelling theory and teaching practice: Putting them back together again. Language Arts, 56, 804-810.

Nicholson, T. (1979). Putting the answer before the question. Set: Research Information for Teachers, No.2, Item 4.

Nicholson, T. (1979).  Teacher training in reading in New Zealand. South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 7, 116-119.

Nicholson, T. (1979). [Review of Reading: Suggestions for teaching children with reading difficulties.] Education, 28, 27.

Nicholson, T. (1978).  The relative effects of different error types on children’s understanding of connected discourse (Abstracted report), Reading Research Quarterly, 14, 259-264.

Chapters in Books

Nicholson, T. (2016) Phonological awareness and reading difficulties. In B. McLean (Ed.), Australian Dyslexia Learning Difference Handbook 2016/2017 (pp. 21-28). Erina Fair, NSW: Learning Difference Convention.

Nicholson, T. (2016). Phonological awareness and learning to read. In V. van Daal & P. Tomalin (Eds.), The dyslexia handbook 2016 (pp. 115-120). Bracknell, England: British Dyslexia Association.

Nicholson, T. (2014). Nicholson, T. (2014). Dyslexia, reading, and spelling: Some teaching suggestions. In B. McLean and J. Clements (Eds.), Australian Dyslexia handbook (pp. 38-47). Sydney: Learning Difference Convention.

Nicholson, T. (2014). Standards based assessment. In S. G. Little & A. Akin-Little (Eds.), Academic assessment and intervention (pp. 316-337). New York: Routledge.

Nicholson, T. (2014). Academic achievement and behavior. In P. Garner (Ed.), SAGE Handbook of emotional and behavioural difficulties (2nd ed., pp. 177-188). London: SAGE.

Nicholson, T. (2011). The National Standards debate: Is the use of the “running records” procedure an accurate way to assess National Standards in Reading? Proceedings of the 2010 New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference, Auckland, December, 2010.

Tunmer, W. E., & Nicholson, T. (2011). The development and teaching of word recognition skill. In M. L. Kamil, P. D. Pearson, E. B. Moje, & P. B. Afflerbach (Eds.), Handbook of reading research (Vol. 4, pp. 405-431). New York: Routledge.

Nicholson, T., & Tunmer, W.E. (2011). Reading: The great debate. In C. Rubie-Davies (Ed.), Educational psychology: Concepts, research, and challenges (pp. 36-50). London: Routledge.

Nicholson, T., & Townsend, M.A. (2011). Children’s friendships. Real and imaginary. In C. Rubie-Davies (Ed.), Educational psychology: Concepts, research, and challenges (pp. 200-214). London: Routledge.

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2010). “Every story has a problem”. How to improve student narrative writing in grades 1-3. In B.Moss & D. Lapp (Eds.), Teaching the texts children need to succeed in the elementary grades (1-3) (pp. 26-44). New York: Guilford Press.

Dymock, S.J., & Nicholson, T. (2010). “Every story has a problem”. How to improve student narrative writing in grades 4-6. In B.Moss & D. Lapp (Eds.), Teaching the texts children need to succeed in the elementary grades (4-6) (pp. 26-42). New York: Guilford Press.

Nicholson, T. & Ng, G.L. (2006). The case for teaching phonemic awareness and simple phonics to preschoolers. In R.M. Joshi & P.G. Aaron (Eds.), Handbook of orthography and literacy (pp. 637-648). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Nicholson, T. (2006). How to avoid reading failure: Teach phonemic awareness. In A. McKeough, L.M. Phillips, V. Timmons, & J.L. Lupart (Eds.), Understanding literacy development: A global view (pp. 31-48). Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.

Nicholson, T. (2005). Academic underachievement and behaviour: An axiomatic link? In P. Garner, F. Yuen, P. Clough, & T. Pardeck (Eds.), Handbook of emotional and behavioural difficulties in Education (pp. 155-166). London: Sage Publications.

Nicholson, T. (2004). Do children read words better in context or in lists? A classic study revisited. In D. Wray (Ed.), Literacy: Major themes in education. Vol.2., Reading processes and teaching (pp. 29-44). London: Routledge-Falmer. (reprinted journal article)

Nicholson, T. (2003). Risk factors in learning to read, and what to do about them. In B. Foorman (Ed.), Preventing and remediating reading difficulties: Bringing science to scale (pp. 165-196). Timonium, MD: York Press.

Nicholson, T. (2002). The social and political contexts of reading: Contemporary literacy policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. In P. Adams & H. Ryan (Eds.), Learning to read in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 22-50).  Palmerston North: Dunmore Press.

Nicholson, T. (2000). Whole language versus phonics. In J. Soler & J. Smith (Eds.), Literacy in New Zealand. Practices, politics and policy since 1900 (pp. 82-97). Auckland: Longman.

Nicholson, T. (1999). Family, literacy and society. In G. B. Thompson & T. Nicholson (Eds.), Learning to read: Beyond phonics and whole language (pp. 1-24). New York: Teachers College Press.

Nicholson, T. (1999). Reading comprehension processes. In G. B. Thompson & T. Nicholson (Eds.), Learning to read: Beyond phonics and whole language (pp. 127-149). New York: Teachers College Press.

Nicholson, T. & Tan, A. (1998). Word identification processes. In G. B. Thompson & T. Nicholson (Eds.), Learning to read: Beyond phonics and whole language (pp. 150-173).  New York: Teachers College Press.

Nicholson, T. (1998). Phonological awareness and learning to read. In  L. van Lier & D. Corson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of language and education [Vol. 6: Knowledge about language] (pp. 53-61). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer.

Nicholson, T. (1998). Pride and prejudice: Reading in New Zealand. In J. Biddulph (Ed.), Language/literacy education: Diversity and challenge (pp. 19-22; 26-32).  Hamilton, New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Teacher Education.

Nicholson, T. (1998). Effective schooling for tomorrow (summary points). In M. Sinclair (Ed.), Conference Proceedings, OECD/NZ Conference “Combating failure at school” (p. 19). Wellington: Ministry of Education.

Nicholson, T. (1997). Closing the gap on reading failure: Social background, phonemic awareness and learning to read. In B. Blachman (Ed.), Foundations of reading acquisition and dyslexia (pp. 381-407). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Nicholson, T. (1994). Focus on researchers. In D.M. McInerney & V. McInerney (Eds.), Educational psychology: Constructing learning (pp. 229-230). Sydney: Prentice Hall.

Nicholson, T. (1993). The case against context. In G.B. Thompson, W.E. Tunmer, & T. Nicholson (Eds), Reading acquisition processes (pp. 91-104). Clevedon, England; Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters.

Nicholson, T. (1993). Reading without context. In G.B. Thompson, W.E. Tunmer, & T. Nicholson (Eds.), Reading acquisition processes (pp. 105-122). Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.

Nicholson, T., & Whyte,B. (1992). Matthew effects in learning new words while listening to stories. In C.K. Kinzer & D.J. Leu (Eds.), Literacy research, theory and practice: Views from many perspectives (pp. 499-503). Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.

Nicholson, T. (1992). Historical and current perspectives on reading. In C.J. Gordon, G.D. Labercane, & W.R. McEachern (Eds.), Elementary reading: Process and practice (pp. 84-95). New York: Ginn.

Nicholson, T. (1984). Computers, dinosaurs and learning to read. In Reading towards tomorrow (pp. 14-26). Wanganui: New Zealand Reading Association.

Nicholson, T. (1983). “You get lost when you gotta blimmin watch the damn words. In B. Gillham (Ed.), Reading through the curriculum (pp. 62-71). London: Heinemann.

Nicholson, T. (1983). A critique of Edward Thorndike’s “Reading as reasoning”. In L.M. Gentile, M.L. Kamil, & J.S. Blanchard (Eds.), Reading research revisited (pp. 217-227). Columbus, OH: Merrill.

Nicholson, T. (1982). An assessment of the effects of different error types on understanding of connected discourse. In W. T. Fagan, C.R. Cooper, & J. M. Jensen (Eds.), Measures for research and evaluation in the English language arts (Vol.2). Urbana, IL: ERIC Clearing House on Reading and Communication Skills.

Mitchell, D.R., & Nicholson, T. (1981). Reading problems in New Zealand. In L. Tarnapol & M. Tarnapol (Eds.), Reading disabilities: An international perspective (Vol. 2, pp. 417-432). Lexington, MA: Heath.

Nicholson, T. (1980). Reading. In Research and education in New Zealand: State of the art (pp. 299-314). Palmerston North: New Zealand Association for Research in Education, and Delta.

Nicholson, T. (1979). Teaching reading in the 21st century. In P.D. Ramsay (Ed.), Curriculum issues in New Zealand (pp. 224-236). Wellington: New Zealand Educational Institute.

Nicholson, T. (1979). The squeaky R: Reading. In D. Drummond & E. Wignell (Eds.), Reading: A sourcebook (pp. ix-xiii). Melbourne: Primary Education.


Popular and educational articles

Nicholson, T. (2016). The gap that schools can’t close. LDA Bulletin, 48(3). 30-31.

Nicholson, T. (2016). Response to “Reporting from the battle lines”. LDA Bulletin, 48(3), 27.

Nicholson, T. (2016). What more could you want? A trip to Oxford to talk at the British Dyslexia ConferenceLDA Bulletin, 48(2), 23-24

Nicholson, T., & Dillon, A. (2016, July 25). Teaching phonics skills alongside reading raises literacy achievement among Indigenous children. The Conversation (online journal).

Nicholson, T. (2006, April 21). Controlled research: Tom Nicholson calls for greater rigour in educational research. NZ Education Review, p. 7.

Dymock, S., & Nicholson, T. (2015). How reading published stories and making story webs can work together to enhance classroom story writing. Literacy Forum, 30(3), 35-42.

Dymock, S. J. & Nicholson, T. (2012). How can educators cater for adults with dyslexia?  Reading Forum, 27(2), 5-12.

Nicholson, T., & Dymock, S. J. (2012). Moving the needle on reading comprehension – part 2. Reading Forum, 27(2), 2-26.

Nicholson, T. (2011). Moving the needle on reading comprehension: 5 successful strategies. Reading Forum, 26(3), 32-37

Nicholson, T. (2011). A morning in a grade 1 classroom. Reading Forum, 26(2), 16-20.

Nicholson, T. (May, 2011). The Orton-Gillingham approach. LDA Bulletin, pp. 9-12.

Nicholson, T., & Ritter, A. (2008). How reliable are informal reading inventories? A brief report. Reading Forum NZ, 23 (3), 28-33.

Nicholson, T. (2008, Sept-Dec). Dyslexia – Researchers in denial. LDA Bulletin, 40 (3 and 4), 10-11.

Nicholson, T. (2008, 16 June). How to tell the difference between dyslexia and other reading problems. The Education Weekly, 19, 3

Nicholson, T. (2008, 13 June). Dyslexia – what is it and how do you deal with it? Education Review, p. 6.

Nicholson, T. (2008, March). Report on the First Reading and Writing Conference, University of Stavanger, Norway. LDA Bulletin, p.15.

Nicholson, T. (2007, October). Dyslexia – Recent changes in New Zealand’s official recognition of dyslexia. LDA Bulletin, 39 (4), pp. 3-5.

Nicholson, T. (2005). The Nelson inquiry: Will it be sound and fury signifying nothing?  LDA Bulletin, 37, (2), 7-8.

Nicholson, T. (April, 2002). Small is beautiful. North and South, p. 96.

Nicholson, T. (March, 2002). To work or not to work? North and South, p. 96.

Nicholson, T. (November, 2001). School at four? North and South, pp. 94-95

Nicholson, T. (October, 2001). Phonics strikes back. North and South, pp. 94-95.

Nicholson, T. (September 2001). Teacher drain. North and South, pp. 94-95.

Nicholson, T. (August, 2001). Caught in the Middle? North and South, pp. 94-95.

Nicholson, T. (July, 2001). Boys will be boys. North and South, pp. 94-95

Nicholson, T. (June, 2001). Great teacher expectations. North and South, pp. 95-96

Nicholson, T. (May, 2001). Special education struggle. North and South, pp. 101-102

Nicholson, T. (April, 2001). Need extra help? North and South, pp. 94-95

Nicholson, T. (March, 2001). The decile wars. North and South, pp. 95-96

Nicholson, T. (February, 2001). Myths and legends. North and South, p. 101.

Nicholson, T. (December, 2000). Santa Claus is coming to town. North and South, p. 101

Nicholson, T. (November, 2000). Memory strategies. North and South, p. 101

Nicholson, T. (October, 2000). Fear of failure. North and South, p. 101

Nicholson, T. (August, 2000). Friends – Who needs them? North and South, p. 101

Nicholson, T. (July, 2000). State or Private? North and South, pp. 98 – 99

Nicholson, T. (May, 2000). Sacred skills. North and South, pp. 102 – 103

Nicholson, T. (July 14, 2000). A close reading of the gaps. New Zealand Education Review, p. 9

Nicholson, T. (January 14, 2000). Getting ahead of traffic. New Zealand Education Review, p. 7

Nicholson, T. (May 5, 2000). Thumbs up for phonics.  NZ Education Review, May 5, 2000, p.8

Nicholson, T. (March 31, 2000). America’s cup of reading, New Zealand Education Review, p. 8

Nicholson, T. (July 14, 2000). A close reading of the gaps. New Zealand Education Review, p. 9

Nicholson, T. (1997, August 20). Why can’t every child learn to read? New Zealand Education Review, p. 8.

Nicholson, T. (1996). The great debate: Recent research on reading. Nga Kete Korero, No. 4-5, pp. 12-17.

Nicholson, T. (1992). I’m real good at skating: Matthew effects and adult literacy. Adult Reading Assistance News, No.38, 2-4.

Nicholson, T. (1987).  A response to Ken Goodman. Reading Forum, 2, 4.