“I wish I had known all this much earlier.” The power of parents to help with reading.

On the Way to Reading

Some years ago, we surveyed parents in New Zealand on what they had learned from a National Radio program called “On the Way to Reading”.  The 12 part program covered topics such as:

  • How children learned to read
  • How to choose books for children
  • How teachers assessed reading progress
  • What caused reading difficulties

The target audience was parents. Each week parents listened to a short radio program on reading. The program was on at 11:30 am in the morning and again later that night. The program also produced a short booklet to go with the program.

Parents could either listen to the program on the radio or they could sign up to join a study group of other parents at their local school or Early Childhood Centre to listen and then discuss the program.

Many parents joined up which was an opportunity to send out a questionnaire to them to find out what they thought of the program. More than 1,000 parents completed the survey.

Parents reading to children

On average, parents said they spent 15 minutes a day reading to their children. Some could only spare a few minutes. Very few parents were unable to read to their children. 

Children reading to parents

One question asked whether the program had helped them. Parents were very positive. Comments included:

  • I am more patient and do not correct him all the time now.
  • Yes, I don’t growl at him if he doesn’t know the word.
  • I sit down longer and listen to him read.
  • I listen to their reading and make bedtime reading a priority. I used to let it slip by because I was so busy.
  • I sit down longer and listen to him read.
  • As long as she understands and enjoys the books, that’s all I ask of her.
  • I try to keep the flow of reading going, not correcting every mistake, not letting him struggle.

Parent feedback on the program.

Comments included:

  • May God bless you and the Department as you seek to improve education for New Zealand children.
  • It was a breakthrough for me with my child’s teacher. I learned much more about his progress through incidental discussions.
  • I wish I had known all this much earlier before I made mistakes with my son. I have set him back.
  • We learned to openly discuss the reading problems of our children and how to overcome these.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • Many parents have no radio – only television.
  • Television is the only way to read the majority
  • Need more specific content on how to help children
  • I did not have time to listen regularly, would prefer to have the series in print form

One parent asked for books:

“I have two children how need books bad. They are very backwood in there readying at school. How do I get the right books for them? I am give you my name and address would you let me know about the books for my children I hope so.”

The future – should there be another program like this?

If there was to be another series of “On the Way to Reading”, based on modern science of reading, the power of social media is such that the program could reach every parent in the land. It could help parents to provide effective “teaching” at home. 


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